This is not about me, it’s about you. But for me to make this about you, you need to know me. That will require me to reveal my true self to you.
Too many people put on masks and persona’s to be something to someone that they are not.
I played that role to critical success for many years, and now I’m going the opposite direction.
My friend John Lynch calls it being “Truefaced”.
I’m finding that as a free thinker and entrepreneur, it’s an absolute necessity to be Truefaced.
In fact, things like success, wealth, joy, happiness, and security will be cut off from you if you choose to be seen and heard in this world through a mask. Ask me how I know!
So make it a point to stop being someone you are not. Even if it means you lose friends in the process. What good are they anyway if they expect you to be someone you are not!? I’m in a process of doing this, and while it’s not easy, I find it to be the most free I’ve ever felt and the most joyful and peaceful I’ve ever been.
In this picture, I’m standing with my friend Jim, and we just completed a 10-mile run (race). This was the longest and best run of my life – I beat my goal, I finished strong, and I defeated a distance barrier that previously stood in my way. The best part is, I got to run this race with one of my very best friends, a guy who I can be Truefaced with, and is Truefaced back with me. I had my wife, my daughter, and my friends cheering me on.
How awesome is that?
So I’m going to be real on this blog. I’m going to share my joys, my successes, my trials, my frustrations, and myself.
Maybe it will inspire you to see my true self. Maybe it will help you discover and show your true self.
I thank you in advance for letting me share my experiences with you.