Client: Of course you did with Maze 2.0 and I really, really appreciate the kind of strategy there with retargeting. I guess the question I have is how do you think about bottom of funnel retargeting now? Because I know back then it was kind of autoresponder, where it was like day one, show this message or day to two show them these messages, how do you think about bottom of funnel where I imagine the audience is going to be anyone that has visited the sales page or the order form for a specific product and/or they’ve watched some video, maybe middle of funnel that’s related to the offer or past 50, 75%. I’m thinking that’s who would go into the audience, but then once they’re in and it’s like, how long would you put them in that audience for and how do you think about the sequencing of messages? Are you building different campaigns for different days or are you; that whole part of it, how do you think about it?
Bob Regnerus: So the length of your funnel is really kind of inversely affected by how expensive and how complex the product is; every business has its own pattern. Even if you have a complex or expensive product, there’s a percentage of people that are going to buy no matter what, there’s a percentage of people that are not going to buy no matter what and then there’s everybody else. There’s a timeline that people go through and I don’t know if you were on at the beginning, but I showed off, look at the recording, the customer awareness timeline. You have to be thinking about kind of where they’re at in the decision process. So what you need to do is kind of reverse engineer the bottom of the funnel activity. So is it an appointment? Is it a sale? Is it a webinar?
Client: For the specific clients I’m working with, it’s kind of like, they most likely have watched some sort of content and they’re looking at the sales page to buy some sort of coaching program, join a membership site or an online course, they’re considering, hey, I’m going to join because the group is starting like next month or it’s starting in the next couple of weeks and there’s some sort of timeline.
Bob Regnerus: So is it a sales page then? Like an order form that they could fill out or is it a full content page?
Client: Yeah, it will probably be an order form
Bob Regnerus: So your very bottom of the funnel people are people that clicked on the order page or they clicked on the buy now page, they got to the order form and didn’t complete it. So you have to be thinking about that, I mean, you’re a copywriter so it’s like, okay, what happened? So we like to use testimonials in that space, so we’ll put testimonials in bottom of funnel. So we’ll create a website custom audience of people that went to an order form and then didn’t complete it. So we’ll run testimonials down there, we’ll run videos from the business owner that are specifically overcoming objections or frequently asked questions that they have at that point in the process. If somebody, and it’s quite similar, but if they went to the sales page and they didn’t go to the order form, well then, okay, why did they click the order now button? So there might be some different content there.
Then there’s the content well, if they never visited the sales page at all, what happened between the webinar and the sales page? So I mean, you’re really good at this and I think, I remember you had like a really detailed question, but it’s like at each point of a decision, so every time there’s like an event you got to think about, all right, so they took that event and they didn’t take the next one. So you want to just kind of reverse engineer what they might be thinking and then you can cater the deep funnel content specific to that and if there’s enough volume you want to run ads to that and we like to run these, it’s not just Facebook ads, assuming that they’re on an email list, you’re running emails and Facebook ads at the same time, you’re hitting with both.
So that’s the way we approach it and a lot of times it kind of goes without saying, but we tend to build our bottom of the funnel first and then work our way up to the top and I probably should have said this at the top, I’ll say it now so everyone can hear it, is the first thing we always build with the client is the retargeting campaign. We do middle of funnel, bottom of funnel first and then we go do top of funnel. There’s no reason to spend all this time at top of funnel, you bring the traffic in and your foundation. You’re not going to build a second story of a house until the foundation’s done. So we always start with middle funnel, bottom of funnel before we turn any campaign on, then we go to top of funnel stuff.
Client: Gotcha and just let me rephrase the question from another angle. So when you’re building out all those testimonials, objections and videos, are you putting those in separate campaigns and then you’re blending them to the audience?
Bob Regnerus: I’ll call it bottom of funnel campaign and then I’ll have different ad sets and I’ll send everyone a link to some training that I’ve done, maybe Ross, I sent it to you. Was that the one that was password protected?
Client: It’s in that, because I have had a chance to go through all that.
Bob Regnerus: You want to go through that because that talks about you can use exclusion, so once they saw this video and they watched percentage of this video, you exclude them from seeing it again and so you just stack all of that up in one campaign.
Client: So you’re basically saying show everything but if they’ve seen some of those exclude them from the campaign.
Bob Regnerus: Yeah, there’s a real complex document that kind of shows all that. I don’t want to confuse people.
Client: That’s why, I was curious about; the challenge I was having was like, I want them to see all this but I don’t want to show something on day one that’s really important, but someone doesn’t log into Facebook on that day they don’t see it. That was the challenge I was having with some key testimony from big people and I wasn’t sure how people were making sure that the important stuff gets seen and isn’t buying timeline.
Bob Regnerus: Yup. Yeah. Your boundaries are probably like, so your constraints are they visited these pages or taken these actions and then there’s some sort of timeframe associated with it, because obviously the longer they get away from the action, the less and less chance they’re going to convert.