
How Do You Dream Big?


Bob Regnerus, Marc Malnati, and Mark Imperial
Bob Regnerus, Marc Malnati, and Mark Imperial

Very few have the guts to Dream Big. So many of us think small. We dream in miniatures. Why? Dreaming Big is scary. Dreaming Big takes work. Is a 100K business less scary than a 1 million dollar business? Is a 10 million dollar business less scary then a 1 billion dollar business?

Right now, I lost 99.5% of you. Once I mention BILLION, you immediately toss that aside, because you know “oh, that’s not me.”

Let me tell you the truth, a 10K, 100K, 1M, 10M, 1B business – they are ALL scary. Every one of those business has big, bodacious, scary stuff inside and it’s not for most people.  Good, I say. Less people in they way, right?

Owning a business is not for the faint of heart. If you don’t like being responsible for the lives of lots of people, if you don’t like sweating cash flow, if you don’t like putting yourself on the chopping block week after week, if you don’t like criticism, if you hate risk, if you like security, if you prefer days to be the same, if you like people patting you on the back – DON’T OWN A BUSINESS!

So now that I have the attention of business owners who are ready for the roller coaster of business, then let me encourage you to do one thing in 2012. DREAM BIG! Don’t just settle for a business that pays your bills and buys you a nice car. I’m saying to you, dream up a great business that provides you wealth that last generations, and changes the lives of millions of people!  Can you wrap your mind around that?

This year, I’ve emerged from a multi-year funk and set out some big, hairy, bodacious strategic objectives for myself and my business. I’m going to start taking charge of my success and stop relegating it to any one else. I’m going to finally be the person I was created to be, and I’m going to start changing the lives of 1000’s and millions, not just dozens.

First on my list? To really expand the depth and reach of my new Radio Show that Mark Imperial and I are hosting each week on a iconic Chicago Radio Station – AM560-WIND. It’s called The Game Changers Radio Show. This is my  number one objective for 2012.  Our show features people who are BIG DREAMERS. People like our first guest Marc Malnati (son of the famous Lou Malnati – the man who brought deep dish pizza from the pubs of the city to the entire Chicago area, and to the entire country).

Marc’s father had a dream that he never had a chance to follow-through on.  Lou Malnati saw his little pub being duplicated in suburbs all over Chicago, but he wasn’t the man to execute the vision. It was his son, Marc. Marc, as we learned in our interview, had to come to grips with this BIG DREAM and decide if he could steward it.  Once Marc realized in his gut that it was possible, he took that dream as his own, and has launched a single restaurant into a franchise that spans over 40 locations in Chicago, making him the most visible and successful pizza ambassador in the Chicago area.

Is Marc anyone special? Well, yeah, but he’s not a superhero. Marc is the most humble and unassuming guy you will meet, but he’s a brilliant businessman, who has employees that love him, customers that pledge loyalty to him, and a vision for making a simple product made of flour, sauce, and cheese the most excellent in the area.

Marc inspired me, and I hope you will listen to the podcast of the interview we did with Marc Malnati and be inspired too.

2012 is not the end of the world, people. It’s the year where you stop worrying about the world ending and you DREAM BIG by changing it. So get going!


About the author 

Bob Regnerus

I especially help High Achievers that secretly hate parts of their life, find more fulfilling ways to funnel their superpowers so that you actually love who you are.

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