
About A Client Building A Coaching Business


A client came to me desiring to get marketing focus for her coaching business, and finally launch a coaching program. She was constantly bombarded by new information products, guru newsletters, and marketing tactics. None of these things moved her business forward.

Are you constantly distracted by the next new thing?

Are you believing that by following 5, 10, or even 20 gurus – somehow you will obtain the secret strategy for turning your business around?

Are you unable to take even an hour without checking emails, posting facebook updates, or returning texts?

All of this leaves you feeling overwhelmed.  Just like my client…..

“Before talking with Bob I was feeling overwhelmed in marketing my new coaching business. I had previously launched another coaching business and tried to do all the marketing by myself but never got the results I had hoped for. I came across a lecture that Bob did on online marketing and all the information and strategies made sense so I signed up for the 1 hour consultation. Bob took my ideas and talents and came up with an initial strategy we could promote and offered additional time at no expense to get the first idea going. This meant alot to me because as a new business owner I am always looking for ways to optimize my time and money and I felt that not only did Bob understand what my next steps should be and was willing to work with me to get started but he was also going to hold me accountable for ongoing steps. On an ongoing basis Bob is still holding me accountable in our sessions by helping me to see the bigger picture and create little steps to achieve each week. It is very helpful for me to have email access to him in between our sessions for questions, areas of opportunity, success celebrations and to remind me what I should be focusing on when I get in my own way. “

If you need to get marketing focus, want to launch a business, or simply need help getting past overwhelming options, please see : Bob’s 1 Hour Get Marketing Focus Coaching Call

About the author 

Bob Regnerus

I especially help High Achievers that secretly hate parts of their life, find more fulfilling ways to funnel their superpowers so that you actually love who you are.

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